Our new and improved Post 16 offer is aimed at preparing students for their next steps. By using our segmentation tool (detailed below) we can deliver targeted workshops that suit the needs of your students.
FE to HE Segmentation Tool
Our post-16 offer is designed to build on our range of pre-16 workshops; however, we are aware that students are not all in the same position regarding their post-18 options. Our research partner Cosmos has created the FE to HE Segmentation Tool which is a short survey of detailed questions that will group students into one of four categories: HE Confident, HE Hopeful, HE Maybe and HE Sceptic. The graphic below demonstrates the different mindsets and needs of each of these groups, as well as the common shared needs.
By analysing the results of the survey, we can work closely with staff members to create bespoke offers to suit the needs of each individual student. Results for your students will be shared with you and can be used to support your careers team with their planning and delivery of interventions. Using this segmentation tool survey pre and post activities, will provide a detailed distance travelled of your students confidence regarding their transition to higher education and post 18 options. Click the buttons at the bottom of the page to see an outline of workshops for each category.
Each category receives a different tailored options of workshops. The graphic below demonstrates the workshop options for each category of students. There is some overlap in workshops, with Marketing Yourself and Interview Skills being applicable for all segments. These workshops are chosen to best support your students in their progression to their next steps.
Click the buttons below to see an outline and summary of the workshops for each segment.