Our E-courses 

Take a look at our range of e-courses helping you learn more about higher education.



Your Future Career

There are a vast array of careers that can be pursued. This course is designed to demonstrate the array of choices available and the importance of your voice and opinions when deciding what career to pursue. 


Voluntary and Community Organisations CPD

Learn how to spark conversations about Higher Education with learners in your organisation.



Learn what apprenticeships are and the different pathways that you can follow to complete an apprenticeship.


University Life as an Adult Learner

Welcome to our online e-course on university life as an adult learner, Hello Future, along with help from all our partners, have created this course with adult and access learners in mind.


Progression Routes

There are a lot of different pathways and option available to you and we understand that this can be daunting. However, by the end of this course you should feel more knowledgeable about the different levels of education and about what options are available to you!


Apprenticeship Applications and Aptitude Tests

Are you applying for an apprenticeship? Want to ace your application and aptitude test? This is a great starting point to set you up to be successful!


Communicating Confidently

Learn and develop skills to communicate confidentially. Explore how good communication can benefit you and how you can improve your communication skills.


Preparing for Student Life

This course has been created to explore both what university and apprenticeship life is like. It is also designed to make you aware of things you may want to consider when thinking about choosing an apprenticeship or university course.


Introduction to Student Life

Prepare to research options for life after school and explore what is important to you when studying away from home!


Your Future

This course has been designed to allow you to explore your individual pathways to a career of your choice.


Interview Techniques

Interviews can be a scary process and most people will have one at some point in their life. This course will support you in the techniques required for interviews, so you are feeling more confident and equipped to ace your interview!


Subject Specific Progression Routes

Do you want to explore some specific routes for your subject interests? Are you interested in Construction, Business or Art?

Check out our suite of workshops; available pre-recorded or delivered live

Our pre-recorded sessions are a great way to run workshops at your own pace – just press play and follow along in your classroom! Each session comes with a session plan outlining aims and objectives and links to Gatsby Benchmark themes. Please speak to your Area Officer, or email to find out more.

  • Your Future: In this workshop learners can explore their skills, talents and values to map out possible routes for their future – designed to ‘light the spark’ in planning their next steps.
  • Growth Mindset: For this session, learners can explore how mindsets can influence actions and how to build resilience and self-motivation.
  • Study Well: Introducing study styles, health and productivity skills, and showing how they are adaptable beyond school and into their future education.
  • Communicating Confidently: Learners can practise forms of communication in this workshop, and learn how to adapt these for various interview formats and workplace situations.